Plenary speakers videos and "Light: Enabling the Global Internet Era" Symposium videos available
Postdeadline papers selection has been announced!
Find all the information related to the Postdeadline papers. Remember to log in with the user and password credentials detailed in the Delegate Information document.

ECOC 2015 Conference Delegate Information
We have prepared a guide with useful Conference Delegate information.
It will help you while participating in ECOC 2015 with the aim of enhancing your experience and satisfaction.
Download now the ECOC 2015 official App!
Find all the information related to the conference as venue info, how to get, programme, sessions, speakers and papers. This app works offline, so you don't need data connection once you have installed it. It includes an offline interactive map with public transport, points of interest and user location. You will also find tourism information about Valencia: what to visit, restaurants, accommodation, night life and shopping. Available on iOS (https://goo.gl/ARW5q3) and Android (https://goo.gl/p4wOHC)

Did you know that in Valencia you can ... ?
The Nature Photonics Award will be attributed to the best Postdeadline Paper.
For the first time and sponsored by Nature Photonics, ECOC will present an award to the best Postdeadline Paper, which includes a one-year free subscription to the journal. The award will be announced on-site by the Sponsor representative at the ECOC 2015 closing ceremony.
A Best Paper Award has been created in memoriam of Prof. Harm Dorren of the department of Electrical Engineering and scientific director of COBRA from Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), who passed away unexpectedly on 30th March 2015.
The prize goes to the best regular paper that has been submitted in Sub-Committee 4 "SUBSYSTEMS FOR OPTICAL NETWORKING AND FOR DATACOMS" and is related to the research field of Harm Dorren. The winning team will be announced at the closing session of ECOC 2015.
Best Student Paper Award sponsored by ADVA

The Best Student Paper Award will be attributed to a student author for writing a remarkable paper and making an outstanding presentation at ECOC 2015.
In addition to the first prize winner, two honorable mention winners will be selected. The first prize winner will receive 2000€ while both honorable mention winners will receive 1000€ each. The Student Paper Award is sponsored by ADVA. The awards will be announced on-site at the ECOC 2015 closing ceremony.
IEEE Photonics Society special events at ECOC Exhibition 2015
IEEE Photonics Society is holding special events open to everyone attending ECOC 2015 in the VIP Room of the Exhibition Pavilion.
Tuesday 29th September
10:30 – 12:00 IEEE Photonics Society Young Professionals Mimosa Mixer
Invitation link: http://www.punchbowl.com/parties/7287521750427923a6be/view
13:00 – 14:30 IEEE Photonics Society Women in Photonics Luncheon (special guest speaker sponsored by TE Connectivity)
Invitation link: http://www.punchbowl.com/parties/005c62772f6cd1aeb064/view
16:00 – 17:30 IEEE Photonics Society IYL2015 and 50th Anniversary Celebration
Invitation link: http://www.punchbowl.com/parties/76daa5b01579a99c0cc1/view

Conference Programme published!

ECOC Travel Grant winners announced
The three Travel Grants for students from developing countries have been granted to:
Victoria Levczuk, Lutsk National Technical University, Ukraine.
Martin Agyapong, Ghana India Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence in ICT, Ghana.
Tito R. Vargas, Universidad de Santo Tomás de Bucaramanga, Colombia.
Congratualtions to all the winners!

ePIXfab Training Course on Silicon Photonics at ECOC 2015
Course aim: to provide insight into the field of silicon photonics, including the concepts, the technologies, the key actors, the major application domains and the approaches for fabless prototyping.
Intended audience: industrial or academic engineers or researchers who wish to acquire a general understanding of the field of silicon photonics and its potential or who have the ambition to start prototyping a silicon photonics IC in a fabless way.
Course content: the course consists of two parts.
Part 1 (3 hours): Tutorial on silicon photonics: basic concepts, technologies, applications.
Part 2 (3 hours): Step-by-step guide for prototyping your own silicon photonic IC.
More info here

6th European Photonic Integration Forum organized in conjuction with ECOC Exhibition 2015
The European Photonic Integration Forum (EPIF) is an event that gathers all relevant players and people interested in photonic integrated technologies in Europe. It is the place to get updated on the latest developments, get acquired with the moving trends and network with most of the ecosystem. In this new 6th edition, a quick overview will be given of the present capabilities of both InP, silicon and dielectric waveguide platforms, followed by a lively debate on the most hot topics in the field now. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage with all involved companies and also enjoy a lunch at the event.
When: Monday 28th September, 12:30.
3rd Optical Interconnect in Data Centers Symposium organized by PhoxTroT held in ECOC Exhibition 2015
The 3rd Optical Interconnect in Data Centers Symposium is an event that gathers key players and audience in datacenter photonic interconnects. The symposium addresses developments on high-performance, low-energy and cost and small-size optical interconnects across the different hierarchy levels in data center and high-performance computing systems: on-board, board-to-board and rack-to-rack. It is the place to get updated on the latest developments, to get acquired with the moving trends and to network with most of the ecosystem.
In this 3rd edition, the following topics will be addressed:
- In which levels of the data center infrastructure are single mode interconnects required?
- How to reach the cost target of 0.1 USD/Gb/s? When?
- Are the components/systems ready for single mode interconnects?
- Are the full 3D-integration approaches still practical? Alternatives?
When: Tuesday 29th September, 8:15 - 18:30.

Symposia, Sunday Workshops, Invited Papers and Tutorial Speakers announced!
Call for Postdeadline Papers
Postdeadline submission deadline: 15th September 2015, 23:59 CEST.
ECOC Travel Grants available for students from developing countries 
In support of the International Year of Light 2015, the organizers of the European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC) are delighted to announce that three Travel Grants of 1000€ and waived registration will be granted to students from developing countries wishing to attend the 41st ECOC, which will be held in Valencia, Spain, from 27th Sept. - 1st Oct. 2015.
To apply students should send a letter of motivation, a 2-page CV (max.) and one support letter in a single PDF file to: ecoc2015@viajeseci.es before 5th July 2015.
Participate at the student congress IONS 2015 Valencia

24th-26th September 2015
This year a group of Iberian chapters joined to organize the congress IONS 2015 held in Valencia, between 24th and 26th of September. This conference is opened for PhD students and master students studying all fields that cover optics and photonics, and its registration is free ofcharge.
Find more info at http://ionsvalencia.osahost.org or send an email to ionsvalencia2015@gmail.com
Submission is now closed - Notification of acceptance by 15th June 2015
Call for Papers available!
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